iPads in School

Apple Education Profiles - Cedars School
There is no doubt about the fact that iPads are transforming teaching and learning in UK schools.  With a growing bank of evidence it is clear that mobile learning can provide students of all ages with the flexibility to learn anywhere, anytime - whether on the bus, in the evening, or during a day trip out.
The Apple Education Profiles site is worth a visit for lots of examples of how mobile devices have been successfully integrated into the curriculum.

Learning need no longer be restricted to school hours and end at 3.30pm when school closes.
  iPads provide all the tools a learner needs to develop the processes of creativity and enquiry, including making predictions, observing, investigating, researching, analysing, reporting and evaluating.
David Hockney uses his iPad to create great works of art, musicians compose music, take part in jamming sessions or write songs, scientists test theories - what will you do?

Through the use of the iPad at home, parents can become more actively involved in their child's learning, supporting and facilitating young people as they ask questions, read books or find out information about how something works.  

Research is clearly demonstrating that iPads in the classroom can achieve the following:
    •   Increase the use ICT across the curriculum especially in core subjects: English, Maths and Science
    •    Raise the quality and standard of pupil work
    •    Increase pupil motivation and engagement
    •    Challenge and support learners
    •    Increase opportunities for collaboratiion and independent learning
    •    Support anywhere, anytime learning - encourage iPad use for homework and out of school activities
    •    Enable more relevant teaching through the use of purpose built Apps to aid learning
    •    Improve teacher efficiency
    •    Reduce revenue costs of ICT infrastructure and printing

If you're not yet ready for a 121 iPad roll out but considering trialling or purchasing a smaller class set of iPads talk to me first........

All Apple Resellers can supply, install and support class sets of iPads at prices below the standard educational discount.

To enquire further, book an iPad workshop or discuss the possibilities for your establishment -
Call Barbara Ainscough: 07976 411492 or email barbaraainscough@mac.com 

Follow my blog for more information on deploying and using the iPad for teaching and learning.


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